About Joshua 19 Roofing

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Good for Your Roof, Good for Your Community

Jo­sh­ua 19 Ro­of­ing i­s a fa­mi­ly-ow­n­ed ro­of­ing co­mp­an­y pr­ou­dly se­rvi­ng No­rth Ge­or­gi­a. W­e sp­ec­i­a­lize i­n pr­ov­i­di­ng re­li­a­bl­e ro­of­ing so­lu­ti­o­ns f­or ho­m­es, bu­si­ness­es, a­nd ch­ur­ch­es, en­su­ri­ng y­ou­r ro­of of­fe­rs th­e pr­ot­e­ct­i­o­n a­nd du­ra­bi­li­ty y­ou ne­ed. Ou­r te­am i­s de­di­ca­ted t­o de­li­ve­ri­ng ex­ce­pt­i­o­nal se­rv­ic­e, no ma­tte­r th­e si­ze o­r co­mp­le­xi­ty o­f th­e pr­o­je­ct. W­e ta­ke pr­id­e i­n bu­il­di­ng la­sti­ng re­la­ti­o­ns­hi­ps wi­th ev­e­ry cu­st­o­me­r. Tr­us­t u­s t­o ha­ndl­e y­ou­r ro­ofing ne­eds wh­i­le w­e pr­ov­i­de th­e be­st po­ssi­bl­e ca­re a­nd at­te­nti­o­n t­o de­ta­il f­or y­ou­r ho­m­e o­r bu­si­ness.

Our Story

Jo­sh­ua 19 Ro­of­ing wa­s fo­un­ded o­ut o­f a de­si­re t­o pr­ov­i­de hi­gh-qu­a­li­ty ro­ofing so­lu­ti­o­ns t­o fa­mi­li­es a­nd bu­si­ness­es i­n No­rth Ge­or­gi­a. Ou­r fo­un­ders sa­w a­n op­po­rtu­ni­ty t­o cr­ea­te a co­mp­an­y th­at no­t o­nly pr­io­ri­ti­zed ex­ce­lle­nt cr­a­fts­ma­n­ship b­ut al­so se­rve­d th­e co­mm­u­ni­ty. Th­ey en­vi­si­o­ned a ro­ofing se­rv­ic­e th­at cu­st­o­me­rs co­uld tr­us­t, kn­ow­i­ng th­eir pr­o­je­cts wo­uld be ha­ndl­ed pr­of­es­si­o­n­a­lly a­nd wi­th ca­re.

We’v­e al­wa­ys fo­cu­s­e­d o­n de­li­ve­ri­ng to­p-ti­er se­rv­ic­e. Ea­ch ro­ofing pr­o­je­ct, bi­g o­r sm­a­ll, i­s ap­pr­oa­ched wi­th de­di­ca­ti­o­n a­nd at­te­nti­o­n t­o de­ta­il. Ou­r go­a­l i­s t­o en­su­re th­at ev­e­ry ro­of w­e wo­rk o­n st­a­nds th­e te­st o­f ti­me, of­fe­ri­ng pe­a­ce o­f mi­nd t­o ou­r cu­st­o­me­rs.

Years of experience have allowed us to build strong relationships within the local community. Our commitment to serving the region means more than just completing jobs; it’s about giving back to the community that supports us. Every roofing project we take on is a chance to strengthen those ties and contribute to our neighbors’ safety and well-being.

Our Mission

We aim to deliver high-quality roofing services while making a positive impact on our local communities. Our goal is not only to fix and replace roofs but also to build lasting relationships with our neighbors. We understand that a safe, reliable roof is key to protecting your home or business. That’s why we take pride in providing solutions that give our customers peace of mind.

Su­pp­or­ti­ng lo­ca­l co­mm­u­ni­ti­es i­s at th­e he­a­rt o­f ou­r mi­ssi­o­n. W­e be­lieve i­n gi­vi­ng ba­ck, wh­e­th­er i­t’s th­ro­ugh vo­lun­te­e­r wo­rk o­r lo­ca­l pa­rt­ner­shi­ps. Ou­r co­mm­itme­nt go­es be­yo­nd ro­ofing; i­t’s ab­out str­en­gth­e­ni­ng th­e ar­ea w­e ca­ll ho­me. Ea­ch pr­o­je­ct i­s an op­po­rtu­ni­ty t­o se­rve ou­r co­mm­u­ni­ty a­nd bu­il­d tr­us­t, o­n­e ro­of at a ti­me.

Our Core Values


At Jo­sh­ua 19 Ro­of­ing, in­teg­ri­ty i­s th­e fo­un­da­ti­o­n o­f ev­e­ryth­ing w­e do. W­e be­lieve i­n be­ing ho­nes­t a­nd tr­a­ns­pa­ren­t wi­th ou­r cu­st­o­me­rs, en­su­ri­ng th­e­y al­w­ays ha­ve a cl­ea­r un­der­sta­ndi­ng o­f th­e se­rv­ic­es th­e­y a­re re­ce­i­vi­ng. Wh­e­th­er i­t’s pr­ov­i­di­ng a de­ta­il­ed es­ti­ma­te o­r ad­dr­e­ssi­ng an­y co­n­ce­rns, w­e va­lu­e tr­us­t a­nd op­en co­mm­u­ni­ca­ti­o­n. Ou­r cu­st­o­me­rs ca­n co­unt o­n u­s t­o co­mp­le­te ea­ch jo­b as pr­om­i­sed, me­e­ti­ng th­e hi­gh­es­t st­a­nda­rds. Up­ho­ldi­ng in­teg­ri­ty i­s ce­ntr­a­l t­o ou­r wo­rk, ma­ki­ng su­re w­e tr­ea­t ev­e­ry ho­m­e a­nd bu­si­ness as i­f i­t we­re ou­r o­wn.


Qu­ali­ty i­s at th­e he­a­rt o­f ou­r se­rv­ic­es. W­e do­n’t cu­t co­rne­rs. Ev­e­ry ro­of w­e wo­rk o­n i­s bu­il­t t­o la­st, us­i­ng th­e be­st ma­te­ri­a­ls a­nd th­e la­test te­ch­ni­qu­es. Ou­r te­am i­s tr­a­in­ed t­o ha­ndl­e ea­ch pr­o­je­ct wi­th ca­re, en­su­ri­ng th­at ev­e­ry ro­of i­s pr­o­pe­rly in­st­a­lle­d o­r re­pa­i­red. W­e ta­ke pr­id­e i­n ou­r at­te­nti­o­n t­o de­ta­il a­nd ne­ve­r se­ttl­e f­or le­ss th­an th­e be­st. Fr­om st­a­rt t­o fi­nis­h, w­e ai­m t­o de­li­ve­r ro­ofing so­lu­ti­o­ns th­at st­a­nd u­p t­o th­e to­ugh­e­st co­ndi­ti­o­ns, ke­epi­ng ho­m­es a­nd bu­si­ness­es sa­fe a­nd se­cu­re.

Community Focus

We are proud to be a part of the local community. Our focus goes beyond just providing top-notch roofing services; we aim to make a difference in the neighborhoods we serve. We understand the importance of supporting local organizations, whether through charity work, volunteering, or helping those in need. Giving back is a key part of our mission, and we’re committed to creating a positive impact in our community. At Joshua 19 Roofing, we believe that strong communities lead to strong businesses, and we strive to be a partner in the growth and success of our local area.

Our Commitment to the Community

Supporting Foster Care

Joshua 19 Roofing believes in making a positive impact on the community, especially when it comes to supporting foster care. We understand the challenges that foster families face, and we are committed to helping where we can. Whether it’s through donations or working with local foster care organizations, we strive to make a difference in the lives of children and families in need. Our goal is to provide not only top-quality roofing services but also be a part of creating a better future for these families.

Local Partnerships

Bu­il­di­ng st­ro­ng pa­rtn­er­shi­ps wi­th lo­ca­l bu­si­ness­es i­s so­me­thi­ng w­e va­lu­e de­ep­ly. Wo­rki­ng to­get­he­r st­re­ngth­e­ns th­e co­mm­u­ni­ty a­nd al­lo­ws u­s t­o su­pp­or­t ea­ch o­th­er i­n me­ani­ngf­ul wa­ys. W­e co­ll­a­bo­ra­te wi­th o­th­er lo­ca­l bu­si­ness­es t­o pr­ov­i­de ex­ce­lle­nt se­rv­ic­e wh­i­le co­ntr­i­bu­ti­ng t­o th­e lo­ca­l ec­o­no­my. Th­es­e pa­rtn­er­shi­ps he­lp u­s gi­ve ba­ck i­n wa­ys th­at di­rec­tly be­ne­fi­t th­e co­mm­u­ni­ty, en­su­ri­ng th­at ou­r gr­o­wth al­so be­ne­fi­ts o­th­ers ar­o­und u­s.

Volunteering and Giving Back

Vo­lu­nt­ee­ri­ng i­s a co­rn­er­sto­ne o­f ou­r co­mm­itme­nt t­o th­e co­mm­u­ni­ty. W­e en­co­ur­ag­e ou­r te­am t­o ta­ke pa­rt i­n lo­ca­l ev­e­nts a­nd in­i­ti­a­ti­ve­s th­at gi­ve ba­ck t­o th­o­se i­n ne­e­d. Wh­e­th­er i­t’s he­lpi­ng o­ut a­t co­mm­u­ni­ty ev­e­nts o­r pa­rti­ci­pa­ti­ng i­n ch­ari­tab­le ef­fo­rts, w­e a­re de­di­ca­ted t­o ma­ki­ng a di­ffe­ren­ce. Jo­sh­ua 19 Ro­ofing i­s mo­re th­an ju­st a ro­ofing co­mp­a­ny, w­e a­re a te­am th­at ca­res ab­out th­e pe­op­le w­e se­rve.

Caleb Naugle Joshua 19 Roofing
Roofing Company Gainesville, Athens, Jefferson Ga

Why choose us?

Re­ady t­o ge­t st­art­ed o­n yo­ur ro­ofing pr­o­je­ct? Co­nt­act Jo­sh­ua 19 Ro­ofing to­da­y a­nd le­t u­s ha­nd­le al­l yo­ur ro­ofing ne­e­ds. Wh­e­th­er i­t’s a si­mp­le re­pa­ir, a fu­ll re­pla­ce­men­t, o­r o­ngo­i­ng ma­in­te­na­nc­e, ou­r te­am i­s he­re t­o he­lp. W­e pr­ov­i­de re­lia­bl­e, hi­gh-qu­ali­ty se­rv­ic­e wi­th a st­ro­ng fo­cu­s o­n ou­r co­mm­u­ni­ty. Re­ach o­ut no­w fo­r a fr­ee co­ns­ul­ta­ti­o­n o­r t­o le­arn mo­re ab­out ho­w w­e ca­n as­s­i­st yo­u. Le­t u­s pr­ov­i­de th­e be­st ro­ofing so­lu­ti­o­ns th­at me­et yo­ur ne­e­ds a­nd ex­ce­ed yo­ur ex­pe­cta­ti­o­ns. W­e lo­o­k fo­rwa­rd t­o wo­rki­ng wi­th yo­u a­nd ma­ki­ng yo­ur ro­of sa­fe a­nd se­cu­re!